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MUGA Pitch Maintenance

It’s important to have regular MUGA pitch maintenance carried out for your outdoor facility to make sure it’s kept safe for use and that it has the best performance qualities. We offer services to clean, maintain, repair and paint each of the different multi use games area surface types including artificial grass, macadam and polymeric rubber. Having a regular schedule in place for MUGA pitch maintenance will prevent contamination on the surface and ensure that it has efficient drainage qualities all year round.

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Multi Use Games Area Cleaning

For hard court surfaces like macadam sports flooring and polymeric rubber, we do the multi use games area cleaning process in a slightly different way. Because of specification of these surfaces, we can clean them using a brush and pressure washer. You should brush the court area on a regular basis to remove dirt, leaves and other debris from the flooring. This should prevent it from sticking in the pores of macadam or polymeric surfacing.

These two MUGA surface types are porous so water drains through easily. However if dirt and litter are left to fall into the small gaps they can block up the permeable layers. When this happens it can cause flooding on the court. A jet wash is the perfect tool to blast away dirt and contaminants which have become stuck to the flooring. This should then be able to bring back the original appearance and playing qualities.

Multi-use games area cleaning is a vital part of maintaining sports courts to ensure the facility does not become contaminated by moss and algae. If you have any questions regarding the cleaning process, please do not hesitate to contact us.

For a synthetic turf sports pitch, the type of proactive maintenance we may carry out will include drag brushing, deep cleaning and applying chemical treatments to prevent the growth of contaminants like moss and algae. If the synthetic turf carpet has already become damaged or contaminated, we can tackle the problem using reactive maintenance like repairs to synthetic pitch seams and rejuvenation of sand-infill.

The rejuvenation process is often done for waterlogged pitches and involves lifting out the dirty layer of sand infill and replacing it with a new clean application of sand. This improves the performance qualities and drainage of the surface as well as enhancing the appearance of your facility.

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Benefits of Multi Use Games Areas

These facilities are commonly found at schools, colleges and sports clubs as they cater for a diverse range of sports. Here are some of the key benefits of having a MUGA:

  • Suitable to use for a range of sports and activities
  • Versatile designs including hard court and artificial grass
  • Makes the most of your existing outdoor space
  • No need to install multiple facilities for different sports
  • Less maintenance required as you are only looking after one area
  • School children can enjoy doing a number of activities

These are a few of the reasons why people choose to have the multi-use sports facilities.

Replacing Dirty Sand Infill

This video shows a maintenance visit we carried out to a sand filled synthetic turf MUGA in Wigan. The artificial turf fibres and sand-infill had become contaminated by dirt and moss stuck within the carpet. We removed the dirty sand infill and replaced it with a clean layer. This process gets rid of contamination to bring back the playing qualities.

Replacing dirty sand-infill is necessary to ensure the facility does not become contaminated and begin to flood. As well as cleaning, other MUGA pitch maintenance works can be done for macadam and polymeric courts such as damage repairs and reapplication of anti slip paint and line markings. The specialist sports paint we use includes an aggregate of sand and aluminium oxide to create the perfect slip resistance. You can choose from a range of bright colours for the main surface of the court. We’ll also add line markings for different sports and activities in contrasting colour designs.

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MUGA Pitch Rejuvenation

We offer MUGA pitch rejuvenation in the event your synthetic pitch has become waterlogged or flooded due to contamination on the surface. Overtime dirt and debris can clog up the pores of the surfacing which can reduce the porosity of the facility. This can then make the water remain on the surface and cause further problems. The rejuvenation process involves extracting dirty sand-infill and replacing it with clean infill. This will then be distributed around the area to restore the permeable qualities.

Get In Touch

If you have any questions on MUGA maintenance, make sure to get in touch. Additionally, you can speak to us regarding sport planning or find out more about it by looking at Sport England.

Please contact us if your sports facility needs some attention with regards to multi-use games area cleaning, repairs or painting. We’ll send you over some more information regarding the services we carry out. You can use our contact form to get in touch with us straight away. Please remember to include an area size and location for the project when enquiring with us. This helps us to devise a suitable price quotation for the maintenance work.

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