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Pressure Cleaning Tennis Courts MUGA Surfaces

Pressure cleaning of the tennis sports court is now a vital part of Multi Use Games Area maintenance and could help prolong the life of the All Weather Pitch. The affected MUGAs may have become slippery or have moss on the playing surface. This could cause injury to the players or lead to it collecting water.

Our team can offer a range of specialist services including pressure washing of these facilities. It is much better to keep on top of the maintenance rather than having to make repairs. This will help reduce costs and create less hassle for you. You can also maintain the court yourself by regularly brushing the area to remove dirt and leaves.

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Jet Washing Tennis Courts

The cleaning process of the sports surface starts with a rotary high pressure clean. This will be cleaning the tennis court whilst not damaging the top playing surface. The area will then be treated with a fungicidal wash and algae killer. The multi use games areas will then be safer due to the dirt and grime being washed away. It reduces the risk of slips and trips on the facility as well as making it look a lot better.

The sports pitch surfacing will now be ready for the replacement of the game line marking. We can apply a fresh coating of macadam anti slip paint to add colour and improve the playing qualities. Most multi use games areas have multi sports lines installed like football, netball, basketball and tennis.

This upgrade is an essential part of the process as it will restore the Tennis Court slip resistance and it will be a significant cosmetic improvement. The re-colouring of the MUGA surface cusing an acrylic coating, polyurethane finish or other sports line marking products.

Costs of Tennis Court Cleaning

The price of the procedure is dependent on the size of the MUGA and specifications. Soft Surfaces are a contractor who can provide information regarding this cleaning process or colour coating. A larger area will of course take more time to clean and require more materials. The same goes for a very dirty and contaminated area compared to one with small amounts of moss. It will take more time and be more expensive to clean the very dirty surface. We offer various types of macadam surfacing maintenance to suit individual facilities.

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Take a look at this video below to see our team cleaning and repainting an existing tarmac court. As you can see the area was covered in a lot of moss and overgrown weeds. We carried out a full jet wash of the area and applied new paint and line markings. This gave the area a completely new look and left it almost unrecognisable:

Our team can discuss this work with you and offer a quote for carrying out the tennis court pressure wash. Just get in touch with us today and tell us what you need. If you give us an idea of your budget as well that would help us make it cost effective for you.

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