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Why Choose Artificial Grass for Your Garden?

Many people would say that the garden is one of the main factors in how appealing a house is. When you have a garden with muddy puddles, holes, torn grass, different shades of colour and dints, it can scare people off.

If these problems are common for you then a synthetic grass garden might be the perfect solution!

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Artificial Grass Garden Designs

When it comes to creating your artificial grass garden, there are so many different designs you can go with. Ranging from minimalistic to post-modernistic, create the atmosphere that you wish to give people when they enter your garden.

Patterns can be placed on the fake turf, allowing for certain styles (like a cut lawn) to be noted by people. Not all the turfs have to be the exact same as each other and can really vary from each person and their tastes.

Benefits of Artificial Turf

Artificial turf has a wide amount of benefits over natural surfacing. With recent improvements in technology, the synthetic grass has become even better than it was a few years ago. Some of these improvements include:

  • SuDS compliant – Means that the surfacing is not going to hold water or flood.
  • UV resistant – Stops the surface of the artificial turf losing its colour from sun exposure.
  • Looks – The turf now has had an improvement in colour to look even more realistic.

Even though there are going to be many new improvements, there are some benefits which will always be around for synthetic surfacing. A lot of people usually overlook some of these factors and believe that natural grass is just better, but once you know the facts you’ll be able to make an informed decision. These benefits include:

  • Low maintenance required – Lawnmowers are a thing of the past once you get artificial turfing done. The grass will not have to be cut and therefore you don’t have to worry about it getting too long and looking scruffy.
  • It can suit all your needs – Whether you have a pet which won’t stop tearing up your grass or kids who love to play football on your lawn but take a few tumbles, artificial lawn carpet will be tailored for your specific needs to make sure that you get the most use out of it as possible.
  • Perfect for outdoor spaces where grass isn’t working – Sometimes you may have a grassy area which people just keep walking over, or a small patch of turf covered by shade. Artificial carpet can make this common problem less of an issue, resulting in less stress for you.
  • Customisable – Real turf is annoying when it comes to designing a unique garden. However, having an artificial grass garden eliminates that annoyance by quite a mile. It’s a lot easier to design compared with the naturally growing turf as you are not relying on even growth.
  • Eliminates use of harmful pesticides, fertilisers, herbicides and fungicides – Natural grass usually requires a lot of harmful chemicals to keep it healthy and to avoid problems. With synthetic surfacing, this risk is eliminated completely as the fake turf doesn’t require such harmful chemicals.
  • Save water – Watering a natural lawn can be such a long and tedious task, especially in the summer. In addition to this, it can waste a lot of water. Artificial turf doesn’t need watering and therefore, you can save a lot of water.

As you can see, artificial turf is incredibly resourceful and beneficial for almost any type of situation. Not only can it be installed in domestic gardens, but it can also be used for school play facilities, sports clubs and commercial facilities. The best thing about it is that over time, the grass will start to pay for itself through the savings on maintenance costs.

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Fake Grass for Garden Lawns

After noticing the benefits and the recent improvements synthetic turfs have had, people start to notice them as a more valid option than just a regular lawn, especially in the UK. With the weather being rainy and dull, synthetic grass can handle it a lot better than just organic turf meaning you can rest assured that not even the British weather can ruin your garden.

Synthetic lawns aren’t just durable, but they’re attractive too. With a recent improvement in technology and aesthetics, fake grass can look even better than a regular lawn. In addition, hardly any care must be taken to keep it looking good, so you’ll never have to worry about getting out that lawn mower again. If you do want to clean it though, all it takes is a brush and you’ll be fine.

Installing a Synthetic Turf Lawn

When it comes to installing your synthetic lawn, there are no better people to call than Soft Surfaces. We’ve had over 20 years of experience of doing installations and done so many ranging from gardens to sports facilities. See this post for more advantages and disadvantages of synthetic garden lawns.

Just send us an enquiry with what you want and one of our team will get back to you as quick as possible and will start to talk you through the process of making your design become a reality. Unlike many installers, we will try our hardest to stick with your design and make sure that the project is completed to the highest standards.

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