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School Athletics Track Designs

Out of all sporting activities, none are as famous as athletics. Due to the wide variety of sports that are offered through it, a lot of people really enjoy taking part in it. However, when it comes to it, you will need a sprinting track and a long jump runway to take part in these activities fully and properly.

There are plenty of school athletics track designs available and you can fully customise the surfacing to suit your requirements and budget.

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Benefits of Athletics in Schools

Athletics is seen by a lot of people as one of the most active areas of sport due to the range of different activities included. Ranging from long jump to sprint, athletics offers pupils a chance to work out a wide variety of muscles compared to other sports which mainly focus on one section.

Not only do pupils benefit from the wide variety of activities it offers, but so do the schools. With athletics facilities, all you need is lanes to do most of the running events and a jump track to do the jumping events.

Types of Surfacing for an Athletic Facility

When it comes to getting an athletic track surfaced, there are two main different surfaces you can choose from. These are either EPDM Polymeric Rubber or Needlepunch Synthetic Carpet.

EPDM Polymeric Rubber is used by many high schools, colleges and clubs as it is a lot more professional quality for sprint tracks and long jump runways. The surface is made up of rubber granules which are mixed in with a binder. After this, the mixture is then spread out on top of a macadam sub base.

In addition to this, there is a range of colour options that you can choose from to make the track more personalised if desired. Line markings can also be spray painted on to the track for each different athletics event, meaning it can be used for multiple events without the hassle of having to get new tracks installed.

Needlepunch Synthetic Carpet is a lot more popular with primary schools due to it having a softer and more impact absorbing texture than EPDM. This surface is an artificial turf product which is fibre bonded with a tight yarn, whilst having a layer of sand installed within the pile for stability. It’s also used for activity flooring, so check out this page for more details on that.

This is perfect for recreational sports facilities as kids will most likely take a few tumbles when taking part in these types of sports. It can also come in a range of bright colours, with the most popular selection being rainbow due to how quickly it can get the children’s attention.

Both surfaces are used for different groups but they both have a lot of things in common. They’re both high quality, both take around the same amount of time to install and both allow for years of athletic sports to be carried out on them.

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Primary School Athletics Games

In primary school, it can be a lot harder to get children interested in sports as they would rather be left to their own minds. However, athletic tracks give children a sense of interest and wonder. It keeps them interested since most of them would have never seen such a thing. Have a look at this post to see the benefits of promoting athletics sports at your school.

Another reason is that the range of sports you can do on these facilities is phenomenal. Ranging from relay races which can build on teamwork skills to marathons which will improve the stamina and determination of a kid. It’s very rare for most sports to be able to keep the interest of the child whilst also giving them a lot of health benefits.

The best bit about a school athletics track is the physical expression it allows. With kids having a lot of energy and wanting to express it, classrooms can become a nightmare if these children don’t get a chance to fully let loose and get rid of the energy. Athletics is a physically intensive activity which will make sure that children who take part get that chance to express their energy.

By doing this, children will feel a lot happier and more exhausted from getting that chance and in lessons, they won’t be as energetic and giddy. This gives teachers a well-deserved break as well and overall, creates a great learning environment for children to learn in compared to if these kids still had all their energy built up.

Running Track Surface Specifications

When it comes to getting a running track or a long jump runway, you’ll need to supply us with the specifications of the facility you want. We will need measurements of the area where you want to install, so we know if the installation is possible. Alongside this, we will also want to know what type of surface you want to have installed. These things all affect the cost of the athletics surface so it’s important that we know as many details as possible.

This video shows one of our projects where our team installed a long jump surface at a school in Denbigh:

We can install these facilities in a range of levels, sizes and shapes so by telling us these factors as well, we can get a better image of the final product you have in mind. There are also compact athletic facilities available if you only have limited outdoor space. Regardless of how big the track is, you will also need to carry out regular cleaning.

This cleaning process will stop contaminants from appearing and causing problems with the track itself. We do offer a cleaning service for these tracks as well so feel free to enquire about it. Alongside this, if the area gets damaged, we can also repair them for you and even install a few minor features like landing area covers and removable take-off boards.

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Get in Touch

To find out more about school athletics track designs, feel free to contact our team today. We can answer any questions you may have and provide more information on the different products.

Just let us know what kind of sports facility you’re interested in and we’ll do our best to help.

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